Turkey Tactics

Turkey Tactics

     As hunters, we are constantly on the search for new challenges and ways to push ourselves. One of the most exhilarating and rewarding experiences in the world of hunting is turkey hunting. Hunting these wily birds requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of their habits and behavior. But with the right preparation and technique, turkey hunting can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting pursuit. In this blog, we will cover everything you need to know to become a successful turkey hunter, from scouting and gear selection to calling techniques and hunting strategies. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or a new hunter seeking your next big adventure, join us for a journey into the thrilling world of turkey hunting.

     Before we get into several tips to make sure your turkey season isn't a bust. Pick up one of these hand made calls from Creek side Custom calls. With everyone being made by hand for the hunter from a active hunter. These calls are wildly affective when out chasing those turkeys. They have box calls or pot calls. Made from many different materials so the choice is yours on which to pick. Go pick one up for a better turkey season. 

     Now lets get to getting on with these hunting tips to make you have a better turkey season. And best of luck to you this season!

1. Scout your hunting area before you start hunting. Look for areas where turkeys are likely to be found, such as roosting sites, feeding areas, and watering holes.

2. Use camouflage clothing and equipment to blend in with your surroundings. Turkeys have excellent eyesight, so it’s important to remain hidden.

3. Call softly and patiently. Begin with soft yelps, clucks, and purrs to avoid spooking turkeys, and gradually increase the intensity and volume of your calls.

4. Use decoys to lure turkeys into range. Choose realistic-looking decoys and set them up in appropriate locations.

5. Be prepared to move quickly and quietly. Turkeys can be very vocal and active, so stay alert and ready to follow them as they move through the area.

6. Use strategic hunting techniques, such as setting up ambush sites or still-hunting, to increase your chances of success.

7. Choose the right ammunition and gun for your hunting situation. Many hunters prefer shotguns with tight chokes and heavy loads of #4 or #5 shot.

8. Practice safety at all times. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond it, and wear proper safety equipment, including eye and ear protection.

9. Be patient and persistent. Hunting turkeys can be challenging, but with practice and determination, you can become a successful turkey hunter.

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